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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  February 26, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

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members are still concerned. and passing of the torch in san francisco. the newest city supervisor is also the youngest. . complooement complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is bay area news at 7:00. good evening. it's tuesday february 26th. i'm gasia mikaelian, and this is bay area news at 7:00. we begin with breaking news tonight in santa cruz where within just the last hour, authorities confirmed that two officers and one suspect are dead nol lowing an afternoon shooting. >> we lost two exceptionally fine officers today. my primary concern at this point is for the safety and well being of my officers as well as the families of -- of the deceased officers. >> at this time, we do not mrooef that we have any outstanding suspects, and we do not believe that there is any
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danger to the community, however, my office is conducting a home by home, house by house, closet by closet search of the entire area to ensure that that is the case. >> the santa cruz county sheriff's office is leading the investigation. we don't know what caused the altercation. it happened between 3:30 and 4:00 this afternoon on north branciforte avenue. authorities are only saying the police officers are in the middle of an investigation when the shooting happened. three nearby schools were put into lockdown mode as police combed that area. we talked with one concerned parent whouz daughter attends a preschool nearby. >> as i was asegsz it from across the street, i heard another round of 40 to 50 very fast gunshots near the proximity of the front of the school where our daughters are. >> at this point the sheriff's office is not yet red doi release the names ranks oar any identifying information about the officers or suspects. matt can he recall is live in santa cruz where he's been
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following developments for us all afternoon and evening long. matt is live now with what's happening there in santa cruz. matt. >> just in the past ten minutes this bus showed up, and we just watched as officers and dep tis escorted some of the children from a preschool in this area that was on lockdown during this whole incident. it is now just after 7:00 and these kids have been locked down, again, in montessori preschool here on branciforte for the last several hours as this investigation continues today. now, the sheriff told me they don't believe there are any outstanding suspects, and the public is not in danger, but we've seen several deputies with rifles walk the perimeter here branciforte and water in the past several minutes. again, we're watching as some of these pre-school-age children are being taken toth county building where they'll be reunited with their parents. the sheriff says he is going to have his deputies still walk door to door and go from closet to closet just to be safe but, again, he doesn't believe there are any outstanding suspects. again, two santa cruz police officers were shot and killed along with a suspect while
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conducting an investigation on branciforte late this afternoon. this information has been a gathering place for people trying to get into their homes. they've been blocked off. sheriff's department announced it will be handling patrols for the city tonight and, again, this investigation continues and we will, of course, bring you the latest on the 10:00 news as this bus is, again, going toth county building of those preschool-aged children are brought to that building and they're going to be reuniteed with their parents. matt keller ktvu channel 2 news. >> matt, thank you. there is word tonight that a bay area couple missing in peru has been spotted in a remote area of the amazon. concern about the two heightened after they stopped communicating with family and friends a few weeks ago. we get continuing coverage now from ktvu's amber lee. she's live in continue cost county with the statement from family members. ammier. >> gasia we're in front of the home of sister here in concord. his mother released this written statement also posted on the front door. she says in part until we have
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proof of life we cannot celebrate these rumors and sightings. >> family and friends of garrett and jamie kneel are still waiting to hear from the couple directly. i spoke by phone with han's mother. she told me the family has received phone calls from the u.s. em intas and peruvian government. the officials say the couple have been spotted in a remote village in peru and the two are on a boat on the river and a plane is being sent to find them. a family friend told us everyone is just anxious to hear from the couple after no contact for a month. >> we're hopeful, of course. remaining kind of optimistically cautious, you know, waiting for proof of life at this point hoping the stories we've heard recently are true. >> this afternoon at the bike shop where jamie neal works, her boss told us he received word that the couple had been found in a remote area where there is no telephone or internet service, and that may explain why they stopped posting their whereabouts on social media. >> we're thrilled, and i'm going
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to sleep well tonight. >> the couple is on an extended trip that started in late november and wasn't due back until next month. family and friends have feared for hand and neal after the u.s. embassy in lima warned of a kidnapping threat after americans. we will continue to look for late developments and bring them to you on our #10shg news tonight. reporting live here in concord, amber lee, ktvu channel 2 news. las vegas police are now look for a female suspect in connection with a shooting that sparked a fiery crash and killed three people on the strip. police say 22-year-old howard was in a black range rover with suspected gunman. both are pictured here. police say she has a history of prostitution. police say harris shot and killed kenneth cherry junior of oakland as their two vieks reyesed down the vegas strip. cherry's maz raw tee crashed into a taxi which burst into flames killing the driver and tourist from washington state. police are search ago garbage facility tonight after a minnesota's body was found there.
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workers discovered the body today at the mrez san ton transfer station and recycling center on bush road. news chopper 2 flew overhead as investigators and police look for evidence. so far there is no word on the man's name or how he died: we're learning more about a deadly hit and run in san jose today. police are now saying that the vehicle that struck and kill add woman early this morning is likely a four-door honda. this incident happened monterey road. police say the woman in her late 40s would you describe hit while crossing the road and that the driver fled. the vehicle was described as a dark-colored honda civic with damage. it's likely missing a driver's side mirror, has a broken front headlight and a damaged windshield. no id on the victim yet. the medical examiner's office says it's still working to notify the victim's family. a changing of the guard in san francisco as mayor ed lee today revealed his choice to fill a seat on the board of supervisors. paul chambers live outside city hal now to tell us about katy tang and who she's replacing. paul. >> gay cha, carmen chu took part
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as her official last duty as a supervisor here at san francisco city hal. tomorrow her former aide -- her current aide will take her place greeted by a round of applause today presented the woman he's picked to become the new supervisor of district 4. >> may i please introduce katy tang. >> district 4 includes sunset and park side neighborhoods, a police that tang is very familiar with. for the last five years she served the area as legislative aide under the woman she's replacing, carmen chu who is the city's next assessor recorder. >> as john kerly said upon assuming his new role of secretary of state following hilary clinton, i have big heels to feel. >> like her predecessor she's being appointed at the age of 29. if you think she's not experienced enough to take the job, think again. >> someone who knows city hal, knows the workings of the board and certainly has a history. >> as someone who has lived in district 4 for over 20 years, i am so honored to be able to
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serve on the board of supervisors. >> some people we spoke with in tang's district are not familiar wher, but the mayor says it was important to give the community a person that presents continuity. >> i bet she will rise toth occasion and that it will be a good experience for her, as well. >> it's upsetting. we love these people. why don't they stick it out. >> tang will only hold the office until november when she can run for reelection. tomorrow she and her former boss will be officially sworn in to their new jobs. live in san francisco, i'm paul chambers, ktvu channel 2 news. >> more details now. she is 29 years old and a graduate of uc davis. she is also unmarry and had without children. some city residents had been pushing for a mother to be selected toth board because there are no moms represented among the 11 board members. at this hour people are gathering for a public meeting in berkeley to voice their opposition toth sale of the city's historic main post office. the post office there an al ston way was built back in 1914 and
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listed on the national register of historic places. the post office announced last year it was planning to sell this building. many residents say they rely on the current location and love the artwork that's part of the building. the post office noted it's facing insolvency and needs to sell off assets. the coast guard today abandoned its search for four people off the monterey coast following a may day call on sunday saying they had been forced to abandon a sinking sailboat. now, as our alex savage reports authorities are trying to determine if the call that smashged the search was real or fake. >> using c 130 airplanes and coast guard cutters, search crews have skouerred 20,000 square miles of open ocean since sunday looking for a family who supposedly abandoned their sinking sailboat 65 miles off the monterey coast. nothing has been found in the water and today that search was called off. coast guard commander don said they are trying to figure out if this was a hoax.
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>> we are pursuing every avenue, and, you know, it certainly is a possibility. >> the coast guard received two distress calls late sunday from a man who said his boat was sinking. he said there were two adults and two children on board. >> coast guard coast guard we are abandoning ship. >> commander said those calls certainly sounded real. >> it's very convincing, and we took it very seriously. >> still no one ever reported these four people missing, and the coast guard couldn't find any record of a boat named charmblow, the name the caller gave. despite that, huns of people took part in this search putting their own lives at risk for what they thought was a family in trouble. >> like going into a burning building as a firefighter. you know, you don't do it unless you have to so it would be disappointing. >> while the active search in the water is over, the coast guard says they will continue to investigate the legit my si of that distress call and bring any charge ifs they figure out this was a hoax. by the way the price tag for this massive search effort is
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still being tallied up, but the commander said today it will likely end up costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. alex savage ktvu channel 2 news. a hayward family is asking for help in finding a woman who has been missing for a week now and they say is vulnerable. they're posting fliers. she was last seen one week ago as she left for a walk. the 29-year-old is described as 5 feet 8 inches tall, heavy set with short black hair. her family says it's not like her to be gone so long and say she is very trusting. they say -- they fear that someone may take advantage of her. san francisco opened its new cruze ship terminal. what will happen here when the ships are out to see. bay area lawyer accuses budweiser of watering down its beer. critics point to a sifrnl procedure just before bottling. spring weather is in the air. what you can expect for tomorrow and when i expect we'll get our warmest day coming up.
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; lawmakers in washington are inching closer and closer to their march 1st sequestered deadline. president obama and speaker john boehner both issued warnings today about the potential impact of $85 billion enforced across the board budget cuts. speaking in virginia president obama said the cuts would leave the defense department vulnerable. >> so these cuts are wrong. they're not smart. they're not fair. they're a self-inflicted wound that doesn't have to happen. >> we have moved the bill in the house twice. we should not have to move a third bill before the senate gets off their bleep and begins to do something. >> the strong words are apparently doing little to push either party toward a compromise. the president want it is budget cuts to come from combination of tax increases and spending cuts
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while republicans maintain the savings need to be made by spending cuts. congress is split over a major airline merger. u.s. airways and american airlines need the government's permission to combine the companies. questioned today whether a merger would spike the price of your next airplane tick sxet if combining airlines would lead to job cuts in some airports. american aligns says its current hubs will stay in place: a hot air balloon crash killed 19 tourist in egypt today. investigators say that a landing cable became tangled around a helium tank and caught fire. what we're showing you here is video shot from a nearby balloon. the flaming balloon then crashes from an elevation of 1,000 feet into a sugar cane field below. witness say the people jumped to try to escape the flames. only two people survived this crash, a british tourist and the egyptian pilot. san francisco city leaders today helped celebrate the opening of what'll soon be the world's newest international crews ship terminal.
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as our consumer editor tom reports, it'll step up san francisco's tourism business in a very big way. >> the new san francisco crews terminal and the vast two-plus acre part that will surround it will be a jewel of the day. >> it has gone worldwide that we have built a new tirmal here in san francisco. >> it'll also be a new industry for businesses the crews keeps grow sglog many thousands of people will disembark here and go into the city, spend gobs of money. >> how important is it weal consider one major crews line has already commit today port one of its ships here all yearlong because the ship will dock here only once every four days this will be a multipurpose facility. >> 75% of the time it's going to be enjoyed with a 60,000 square feet with other events, and it's going to be very exciting. >> crews specialists says it'll not only attract cruisers from around the nation but a huge
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number of northern californiaians. >> right here out of san francisco, their own backyard. they can get on a ship and go see the world. >> some ships bypass no longer will. >> definitely they'll consider stopping here now with our beautiful new terminal. >> and as in new orleans, crews lines will offer preand post crews stays in the city. >> the destination people can go early, spend a couple days, see the city and then get on the crews ship. >> how much the recent crews line incidents and accidents as well as fears of noravirus sickness will affect business here is yet unknown. i'm con siemer editor, ktvu channel 2 news. federal reserve chairman ben warned congress today that se quest ration will slow the country's economic growth. secretary gave his semiannual report to congress. he also said the feds' low interest rate poll vis critical to supporting the economy since unemployment is still high. there had been speculation the feds might change its policies after some fed members suggested
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that last week but gave no indication of any changes and comments provided a boost for wall streechlt the dow surged 115 points. nasdaq rose 13. beer maker an hiezer bush is the target of a klass action lawsuit alleging it's been watering down the brew. lead attorney josh of san rafael says former employees at the 13 brewerlys around the country says an hiezer bush adds water just before bot sxlg that dilute it is alcohol content. the maker of bud wierz and other brands call it is charges groundless. bay area doctors are now inrolling patients in the clinical trial they say will revolutionize breast reconstruction. after a mastectomy and before a woman can have a reyuktive implant surgery, her skin needs to be stretched. palo alto based air expanders has developed the aeroform tissue expander. it's a patient-controlled breast tissue expander. doctors are looking for more patients and if you're interested go to our web site and click on web links. the senate today confirmed
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former republican senate chuck secretary of defense after his own party put up an akly moanous fight and use add filibuster to delay the vote. just four republy kauns joined democrats to confirm haag el in a 558 to 41 vote. as nebraska senator he criticized former president george w. bush's handle of iraq war. . upon retirement, pope benedict will lose the power of his position but retain many of the perks of the pontiff. the vatican announced today benedict will be known as pope and still called his holiness. not unlike former president faming the title of mr. president as a sign of respect, pope benedict will still wear white. he'll also live steps away from his successor in vatican city. the family of a nasa engineer is hoping someone will come forward to help solve smven's murder.
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it was eight years ago shot to death in his car. the 29-year-old aerospace engineer was just a couple week ace way from marrying the mother of their two children. san francisco police investigators say there are no suspects and no leads in this cold case. the family says their grief has not fade sgld we can't move on. we made this person to be punished for his crime. >> family says their son had no enmys but had gotten into an argument with a man who sold him a used car. gene quan declared rita williams day in the city of oakland. she's been a fixture op an ktvu for 35 years. now, rita is retiring and tomorrow is her last day on the job. it's impossible in just a few words to sum up rita's remarkable career, but we can say with all certainty there are few reporters in the bay area who are as recognizable and as respected as our rita. we certainly wish her all the best in this next chapter of her
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life. coming up we'll update tonight's developing news. the shooting in santa cruz that left two police officers dead. also unseasonably warm weather ahead. meteorologist rose mary orozco tells us just how toesty it is going to get. you're on timeout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will.
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some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will.
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. more developing news we've been following for you all evening now. after this fatal shooting in santa cruz now work to find out more information and speak with witness. authorities say two santa cruz officer wrs shot and killed during an investigation on branciforte avenue. the suspect was subsequently killed. investigators say that they are working to identify family before releasing any identification information about the officers involved. within just the last half hour here, children from three nearby schools were bussed over to a county facility to be reuniteed with their parents. we are expecting another briefing at 9:30 tonight. meteorologist rose mary orozco is here to talk with us about a warmup that has a lot of us checking the calendar. >> you're right. it's going to get waerm out there. make your plans. friday looks like it's going to be the warmest day. we'll enjoy some nice weather been now and then and i can even tell you the weekend is looking pretty good. give youg a look at the winds out there, not too bad. light variable wind. i'm noticing a little breezy
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along the pe flans. outside of that we're calm in sabt rose. napa reporting 6, livermore as well. notice a little bit of cloud cover out, though. high clouds associated with just a few clouds that are spilling over this ridge of high pressure that is bringing this unseasonably mild weather. 57 degrees in concord. 54 in oakland. 50 greece in san francisco. cooling off in napa. 49 for you. mid 50s in fairfield. today anywhere from three to six degrees warmer than yesterday and in some spots almost ten dprees warmer so notably warmer and you probably felt it. the pacific satellite view we continue with just this ridge of high pressure in place. notice the storms. they're there. they're just not sinking far enough south to bring us any rain. we're catching just a little bit of high cloud cover now and again, and we're going to hold onto this trend so mostly sunny skies, dry weather in the forecast for your wednesday and really beyond. widespread 60s to low 70s once again for wednesday and then we will top out again right about friday. 40 degrees as we start the
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morning in vallejo, 43 in oakland, 46 san francisco. 36 santa rosa so still chilly in some areas. 74 santa rosa for tomorrow mid 70s in napa. upper 60s for berkeley, oakland. low 60s san francisco. low 70s concord, antioch, into livermore you're looking at 69 for tomorrow. 66 san jose. 68 greece in santa cruz. the extended forecast there, the up warde trend will continue thursday, friday looking good, and into the weekend not bad. partly cloudy skies. the cooler day will be sunday. gasia. seek sing dancing and controversial oscar hostset macfarlane said he won't host the award show again. his brand of humor seems to have offended some women's jewish and african american group. he made this statement on twitter when asked by a follower if he'd host again he said, quote, no way. a lot of fun to have doeven it, though.
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thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. we'll see you the next time news breaks. i'm gasia mikaelian, and our coverage continues with 10:00 news. tonight we are following the shooting in santa cruz that killed two police officers. we're always here for you at tmz is up next here on tv 36. mom, i invited justin over for lunch.
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